Right click a button and choose Properties (or double-clickthe button).Let's now add some actions for all the buttons. Now, we have the basic structure of the autorun CD ready withthe splash screen.Format allthe buttons as required - choosing a different caption for eachof them. If the Properties panelis not visible, choose View | Property Inspector. Select any of the text boxes and format the font and captionsusing the Properties Inspector panel.You'll need to align anddistribute the buttons through the options available from theObject | Align menu. Resize the button as required - then duplicate them to endup with 6 buttons (see screenshot).Go to Insert | Button and choose one of the readymade buttonstyles included within Autoplay Media Studio - you'll have toclick the Open icon next to the button name on the dialog boxto find these.Click OKto exit the dilog box and reposition the Label text within thework areas as required. I set my Normal State Color to White and opted tomatch my Highlight and Click colors to White as well. Go to Insert | Label and type any name in the Text area ofthe resultant Label Properties dialog box.

Anytime you want to preview your work in AutoPlay MenuStudio, press the F5 key.